Day1 Arriving Kunming
Taking flight arrive Kunming ,pick up then tee off 18holes at Sunshine Golf Club 18Holes。————Note: you can use other clubs instead of Sunshine ————昆明:享“春城”之美誉,云南省省会,中国面向东南亚、南亚开放的门户城市,日照长、气候温和,夏无酷暑,冬无严寒,四季如春,气候宜人,温差为全国最小,这样的气候特征在全球少有,鲜花常年开放,草木四季常青,是著名的“春城” 、“花城”。市区年平均气温在15℃左右,紫外线强度较高,一天之中有四季,有遇雨变成冬之说。————昆明阳光高尔夫球会坐落于昆明市北城区昆曲高速公路六公里畔,南邻世博园、金殿森林公园和野生动物园,西北毗邻昆明植物园和黑龙潭公园且周边兴建多个北城区住宅新项目。球会距离昆明主城区十公里,距离昆明机场二十公里,2007年《GolfDigest》”最佳高尔夫大赏”评选中,昆明阳光高尔夫球会凭借一如既往的服务和品质,再次荣获了该项评比的两项大奖:优秀球会中国十八名洞和十大非凡高尔夫球场
Day2 Kunming
After Breakfast tee off at Lakeview Golf Club 18Holes.Afternoon half day tour around Kunming city'' ————Note: you can use other clubs instead of Lakeview————滇池湖畔高尔夫球会位于昆明滇池国家旅游度假区,东至兴体路、南邻海埂公园、西毗民族村滇池路、北靠云大滇池学院。总占地1391亩,其中高尔夫球场及其配套设施用地约1000亩;球道总长为7260码,标准杆72杆;高档会员别墅占391亩。让高尔夫爱好者置身其中,充分领略海天一色、绿草如茵、花团锦簇的人间仙境。 作为离昆明市区最近的高尔夫球场,从市区到滇池湖畔驾车只需15分钟。工作之余、闲暇之便,呼朋唤友 ,随时随地赴滇池湖畔挥杆,让生活半径始终停留在繁华便利都市之中。
Day3 Departure
After Breakfast drive you to airport, end of service
Service Includes:
1)2nights accommodation in Kunming Hotel with hotel daily breakfast,Single rooms or Twin rooms
2)2 rounds golf game in Kunming and Green fee /Buggy/Caddie based two persons share one buggy and one caddie,
3) All transfer in/out for 3 days based on tour schedule, with AC coach
4) tourists life accident insurance
5) Entrance fee for the resorts
Service Excludes:
International arrive/departure flight
Personal Expenses
Expenses of purely personal nature such as laundry, drinks, fax, telephone call, optionlal activities, Sightseeing or meals which are not mentioned;
Lunches and Dinners
Things that not in inclusions
Tips to driver,RMB100 per day
※ Remarks:
Hotel Recommend:
昆明朗威酒店Kunming Longway Hotel
昆明金泉大酒店 Kunming Golden Spring Hotel
昆明阳光酒店Kunming Soluxe Hotel
昆明君乐酒店Kunming Grand Park Hotel
Optional Half Day Tours半日游线路选择:
Route A:Half day tour to Stone Forest with Buggy Car石林半日游;
Route B:Half day tour to Jiuxiang Cave with one way cable car九乡半日游
Route C:Half Day tour to West Hill with Dragon Gate And Dianchi Lake西山龙门及滇池半日游
Route D:Half Day tour to Yunnan Ethnic Cultural Village云南民族村半日游