Tour Highlights:
The most classic Yunnan tour package
Enjoy the stunning highland natural view from Kunming to Shangri-la Discover the amazing ethnic cuture and costoms in southwest China
Escape from the hustling and bustling cities to explore the beauty of nature in Shangri-la
Best Travel Time:
Suitable for the whole year, best from March to December
RMB5200 P/P 6paxs Private Tour without any Shopping
RMB4900 P/P 8paxs Private Tour without any Shopping
RMB4700 P/P 10paxs Private Tour without any Shopping
Day 1Arrival Kunming
Transfer service to hotel
Meals: Dinner Yunnan Rice Noodles.
Upon arrival in Kunming, your Kunming tour guide will wait for you at the airport and help you to transfer to the hotel.
Day 2 Kunming
Meals: Breakfast, Lunch,Dinner
Morning drive to Visit the Stone Forest which is known as the First Wonder of the World and typical karst landform. The magnificent, strange and steep landscape of the Stone Forest creates countless labyrinthine vistas, all of which feature stones in various formations. Animals, plants, and even human figures can be found here【石林】(含门票130元每人,电瓶车25元每人)乘车前往“天下第一奇观”世界地质公园 国家AAAAA级风景区 中国四大自然景观之一的石林风景区,游大小石林、石林胜景、双鸟渡食、象踞石台、狮子亭、一线天、千钧一发、望峰亭、剑峰池、阿诗玛遗像等,
Afternoon drive back Kunming,visit Green Lake which is peaceful and a public park for local people. You will see musicians singing and playing and you can also take a paddle boat out and relax on the lake. 【翠湖公园】(门票免费)位于昆明市区的螺峰山下,五华山西麓,云南大学正门对面,原名菜海子。这里最初曾是滇池中的一个湖湾,后来因水位下降而成为一汪清湖。绿树成荫,楼现波心,环境优美,是昆明城内的一颗绿宝石。享有城中之玉的美称。 湖内多种荷花,始有"翠湖"美称.
Then make a rove along downtown's streets by the private vehicle to enjoy the view of the city and visit the the Symbol Building of Kunming--Golden Horse & Green Phoenix Torii, and the culture streets of the old city with the East and West Pagodas in downtown之后乘坐私家车游览市区街道,欣赏昆明市景,参观昆明标志性建筑——【金马碧鸡坊】,以及东西宝塔古城文化街 市中心
Day 3Kunming - Dali
Meals: Breakfast, Lunch,Dinner
After breakfast in the hotel, enjoy half day tour to West Hill & Dragon Gate. Located at the west bank of the Dianchi Lake of Kunming, it is set in mountains well covered by evergreen woods and filled with sweet songs by lovely birds. We will arrange cable car services up & down as well as sightseeing car in the scenic spot. When you get on the mountain, you will have a breathtaking view of the panoramic Dianchi Lake. There are also some interesting places waiting for you to explore on the mountain, especially the Dragon Gate. After lunch, transfer to Dali (duration: 4.5 hours) 前往云南唯一国家级旅游度假区【西山龙门风景名胜区】(含门票40元每人,电瓶车25元每人,索道30元每人)位于昆明城西10余公里,有“滇中第一佳境”之誉,海拔高至2350米。龙门石窟凿于西山最陡峭的悬臂上,全为古代人工抠刻雕凿而成,工程浩大,历时长久,尤其是在原石上琢刻的文曲星与魁星阁,让人看后惊叹不已,是眺望滇池和昆明全景的最佳地,现龙门石窟已评为国家重点文物,每年前往参观的外国游客络绎不绝。乘车去大理,入住酒店
Day 4 Dali-Lijiang
Meals: Breakfast & Lunch, Dinner
Our guide will meet you up at the hotel lobby Enjoy leisure tour to Three Pagodas . The elegant, balanced and stately style is unique in China's ancient Buddhist architectures, which makes it a must-see in the tour of Dali. Hiking to the top is highly recommended where you can get full view of Dali old town and Erhai Lake. The reflection park is also a nice place to capture the classical photo with three Pagodas’ reflection. After that, get on a small boat for Erhai Lake tour. Erhai Lake was formed by the subsidence of geological fault. It is reputed as the pearl on plateau for its beautiful scenery游览【三塔】(含门票75元每人)崇圣寺三塔位于大理古城西北部1.5公里处,西对苍山应乐峰,东对洱海,距山脚约为1500米。南336米处有桃溪向东流过。北76米处有梅溪,东靠滇藏公路。三塔由一大二小三阁组成。大塔又名千寻塔,当地群众称它为“文笔塔”,通高69.13米,底方9.9米,凡16级,为大理地区典型的密檐式空心四方形砖塔。南北小塔均为十级,高42.17米,为八角形密檐式空心砖塔。三座塔鼎足而立,千寻塔居中,二小塔南北拱卫。1961年3月4日,被国务院公布为第一批全国重点文物保护单位, Then we will have a visit to Zhoucheng, where you can enjoy the typical Bai architectures and you have chance to learn tie-dyeing. Back to hotel and enjoy your free time at ali Ancient Town . Unlike any other Chinese town, the traditional Bai ethnic folk houses give the town distinctive feeling【大理周城】(含门票30元每人)扎染是大理白族和彝族民间传统的手工艺品,主产地在大理市和巍山彝族自治县。扎染,古称杂花布,又叫绞缬染,是民间古老的手工印染工艺,起源于1000多年前的中原地区,如今主要保存在大理市周城和巍山县城、大仓、庙街等地制作。扎染是我国民间传统的染色技术之一,与蜡染和镂空印花并称为我国古代三大印花技术。扎染曾一度较为兴盛,技术成熟,花色繁多,很多地区都生产使用。唐朝尤为兴盛,后来由于历史原因,扎染濒临绝迹。扎染除了在印度、柬埔寨、泰国、印度尼西亚、马来西亚等国保留外,仅在中国的西南少数民族地区仍旧保留使用,同时尤其以大理周城的扎染最为有名
Drive to Lijiang, Enjoy your peaceful time in the morning at the ancient town and then check out. You will be transferred to Lijiang,Check in at the hotel in Lijiang old town after lunch and take a rest in the room. In the afternoon, enjoy your free time at Lijiang Ancient town, which is perfectly adapted to the uneven topography of this key commercial and strategic site. We will give you a map of Lijiang old town. We would suggest you Sifang Street for the vivid nights and Lion Mountain for the panoramic view of Lijiang old town. 游览【丽江古城】、【四方街】(含门票80元每人)(游览时间约60分钟),丽江古城又名大研镇,丽江是第二批被批准的中国历史文化名城之一,也是中国向联合国申报世界文化遗产成功的古城之一。后可以漫步街市,体会丽江的休闲时光和著名的酒吧文化,在这里您可以体会到艳遇之都的文化。
Day 5 Lijiang
Meals: Breakfast,Lunch,Dinner
Sightseeing: Jade Dragon Snow Mountain, Yufeng Temple, Baisha Mural, Black Dragon Pond Park
Our guide will meet you up at the hotel lobby and start today’s tour.
Drive to Jade Dragon Snow Mountain and take cable car up to the Mountain. We will arrange the visit to Glacier Park at 4506 meters above sea level and get real close to the Snow Mountain. You can choose to hike on the mountain and get to the top at 4680 meters or just stroll around at Glacier Park and appreciate the holy Mountain peacefully. 游览闻名世界的【玉龙雪山】(约180分钟)(含门票进山费230元每人,电瓶车20元每人,索道140元每人往返):玉龙雪山座落于丽江城北15公里金沙江东岸,气势磅礴,雄奇壮丽,远看婉如一条矫健的玉龙;从丽江城出发,游览草木掩映的高原草甸牧场甘海子游览白石铺底,清澈纯净玉龙雪水流过的白水河后,便到了玉龙雪山著名风景区云杉坪下,乘大索道上【冰川公园】;在这里,千年冰川清晰可见,飘忽白云近在眼前,既奇异,又幽静,婉如仙境的感觉,让人终生难忘。
Lunch time at local restaurant in Baisha village nearby the Snow Mountain.
In the afternoon, first enjoy the Impression Lijiang Show is a magnificent outdoor singing and dancing performance demonstrating the traditions and lifestyle of the local ethnic people. It is another creation of famous Chinese director Zhang Yimou, Later visit Yufeng Temple . The whole temple shows a distinctive and conjunct architecture style of Han Buddhism, Tibetan Buddhism, Taoism and the local Naxi Dongba Religion. The temple also has three courtyards and the famous great Camellia tree here had been more than 500 years old. Afterwards, pay a visit to Baisha Mural, which is the cradle of the Naxi culture and ancient capital of the Naxi Kingdom. Go back to Lijiang, on the way, have a short visit to Black Dragon Pond Park where is the perfect place to take photo of the Jade Dragon Snow Mountain with reflection in the Pond.【印象丽江】 《印象丽江》是张艺谋导演的“印象系列”之一。演出以雪山为背景、以民俗文化为主题、以当地原住民为演员,在海拔3100米的玉龙雪山甘海子蓝月谷剧场露天舞台,真实的展示出原住民对天、地、人、山的感情。《印象丽江》分“雪山篇”和“古城篇”两篇,包含《古道马帮》、《对酒雪山》、《天上人间》、《打跳组歌》、《鼓舞祭天》和《祈福仪式》六个部分。“雪山篇”描述的是与山的对话,表现的是人们从四面八方来到丽江,体验生命与自然的紧密关系;“古城篇”讲述的是与祖先的对话,在对话中发现:古往今来在人们的内心深处,始终存在一个神圣的王国。参与演出的500多名演员均来自当地周边的农村,以粗犷的气势、原生的姿态和质朴的歌声,带给观众很真实的丽江印象。【玉峰寺】(含门票40元每人),大殿正门两边的四大天王壁画为第十世噶玛巴却英多杰亲手绘制;第十世噶玛巴在绘画和雕塑方面成就卓越,他的画弥足珍贵,不仅有极高的文物价值,对虔信者的加持力也不可思议。大殿裙板的二十幅唐卡据说也是第十世噶玛巴所画。玉峰寺的“万朵茶花”享誉世界,是噶玛噶举派领袖第八世大司徒活佛却吉迥乃亲手栽种,有近300年历史;万朵茶花树从每年立春吐艳,至立夏芳尽,历经七个节令一百多天,二十多批两万余朵艳丽的山茶花争相吐艳,被誉为“世界山茶王”、“寰球第一树”。 【白沙壁画】(含门票40元每人)【黑龙潭】
Drive back to the hotel and enjoy your free time in Lijiang old town or go to Suhe old town on your own for the evening bonfire party.
Day 6 Lijiang - Shangri-La
Meals: Breakfast,Lunch,Dinner
Our guide will meet you up at the hotel lobby and leave for Shangri-La, the lost horizon
Visit Tiger Leaping Gorge en route. Tiger Leaping Gorge is a canyon on the Yangtze River which can be divided in to upper, middle and lower sections, winding 25 km and it is one of the deepest valleys in the world. The narrowest part of the gorge was just 30 m, which is so narrow that a tiger can jump over the gorge, hence the name. We will drop you at upper Tiger Leaping Gorge and you hike down to the viewing deck about half an hour丽江早乘车至香格里拉,沿途车览远观长江第一湾(中国长江在此最大的转弯处及很多历史典故的出处),浏览【虎跳峡】(含门票65元每人)景区(浏览时间约2小时,以险、秀、奇、壮著标的世界级峡谷及中国最美的十大峡谷之一),
After lunch, continue driving to Shangri-La
Upon arrival, check-in at your hotel and explore the Dukezong Ancient Town, which is the largest and best-preserved Tibetan city among China 147 Tibetan counties. It is also site of the largest ancient Tibetan community. As one of the oldest towns in the region, it is also known as the 'footstep of Shangri-La'. After the tour, be transferred to the hotel and check-in. 游览完后乘车赴香格里拉,浏览香格里拉【独克宗月光古城】(有着1300多年悠久历史的茶马古道重镇及世界上最大的转经筒)。
Day 7 Shangri-La-Dali
Meals: Breakfast,Lunch,Dinner
Our guide will meet you up at the hotel lobby and start to find out the lost horizon, Shangri-La
You will reach the Sumtsaling Monastery, which is the largest Tibetan Buddhism monastery in Yunnan Province. Covering an area of 30 hectares, it looks like a mini Kumbum Monastery. It is located on a mountain slope 5km from the county town of Shangri-La. Today Songzanlin once again houses more than 700 monks and lamas. Take a family visit to local resident home and with help from our guide, you will learn about a local family’s history and way of life【松赞林寺】(含门票90元每人)噶丹·松赞林寺是云南省规模最大的藏传佛教寺院,也是康区有名的大寺院之一,还是川滇一带的黄教中心,在整个藏区都有着举足轻重的地位,被誉为“小布达拉宫”。该寺依山而建,外形犹如一座古堡,集藏族造型艺术之大成,又有“藏族艺术博物馆”之称。 该寺又称归化寺,距中甸县城5公里,是一座古镇规模的古堡群建筑。于公元1679年(藏历第十一绕迥阴土羊年)兴建,公元1681年(阴铁鸡年)竣工。五世达赖喇嘛亲赐名“噶丹·松赞林”【藏民家访】
Share lunch with the local resident in their home or go to the restaurant nearby for Tibetan food
In-depth visit to today’s highlight: Potatso National Park which is the first national park in mainland China. Bitahai Lake and Shuduhu Lake are two major parts of the park. Besides these two lakes, forest, marsh, valley, alpine meadow and so on can be seen in the park. All major spots are connected by footpath which offers a closer distance for travelers to experience the natural environment. You will walk in the picture and enjoy the peaceful time.
Drive Back Dali, Check in hotel
Day 8 Dali-Kunming-Departure
Meals: Breakfast,Lunch
Drive back Kunming 4.5h on the way.
After lunch go directly to Dounan Flower Market , which is the biggest and most exciting market in Kunming where antiques, jewelry, and other handmade crafts can be found. This is a perfect place for entertainment and observing local lifestyle游览【斗南鲜花市场】(门票免费)现已发展成为亚洲最大的鲜切花交易市场,是著名的花都。享有“金斗南”之称。云南省80%以上的鲜切花和周边省份、周边国家的花卉入场交易。在全国80多个大中城市中占据70%的市场份额,出口46个国家和地区,有全国10枝鲜切花7枝产自云南之说。多年来借助“斗南”花卉这一中国驰名商标的品牌效应和市场优势,斗南已成为中国花卉市场的“风向标”和花卉价格的“晴雨表
Transfer service to airport for departure送机结束行程
Price includes:
♦ Private transfer between the airport or railway station, attractions, and hotels
♦ Private licensed English-speaking guide and driver service
♦ Hotel accommodation with daily breakfast on sharing basis,4star hotel level
♦ All attraction entrance fees as specified
♦ Meals mentioned in the itinerary, Chinese local food
Price excludes:
* International flight to Kunming
* Tips to your tour guide and driver RMB200p/p
* China Entry Visa Fees
* Personal expenses
* Optional tours, meals, activities and services
Kunming Longway Hotel(昆明朗威酒店) ★★★★ or Similar
Rezen Retrea Dali丽呈别院·同兴堂(大理古城店) or Similar
Green Melody Holiday Hotel Lijiang丽江绿韵假日酒店★★★★
Shangrila Moonlight International Hotel香格里拉月光国际大酒店★★★★or Similar
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Safety Policy:
By signing up for a trip,If you have any symptoms such as fever, coughing, or other illness prior to the trip, please inform us right away. We monitor the situation on a daily basis and would inform you in case of any changes.
Budget Price,Free Inquiry,Better Hotels,Delicious Chinese Style Food,Comfortable Coach with Air Conditioner,Experienced Driver,Skilled Guide with Few Languages,No Hidden Charges,No Compulsive, Shopping Package
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